Friday 5 March 2010

Stage Diving (Crowd Surfing) or Muff Diving??

Being a crazzeee hedonistic type of dude
I frequently have to decide what and which activites to participate in which will give me the biggest buzz!!!
You might think this would be an easy option to choose but you would be wrong!!!

Pleasure the lady in your life or risk being put in hospital with a loose punch to the kidneys!!

Lets weigh up the pros and cons of both!!

Muff Diving
There's nothing like removing panties with you teeth
One of the most intimate things you can do with a lady
Her pleasure is your pleasure

All good!!! think again!!!
Remove her panties and she has a seventies muff which gets in your teeth and is like a brillo pad in your eyes result = blinded. You can only follow the smell of Grimsby Dock because she ain't washed and shes had a dump and you mistakingly slip and lick her batty hole!! choco pudding!!!
I used to like muff diving with the lady standing up as i knelt between her legs!(behemath) However, I realised too late that her pussy would act like a seal when she came!! I nearly suffocated and passed out!
Fishy face wash is never likely to challenge Body Shop Facial for sales!!
Extreme muff diving is now an Olympic Sport aka 2012!! checkout me in the picture practicing..unfortunately I did my back in and dropped my girlfriend on her head = silent treatment for weeks!!

Stage Diving(Crowd Surfing)
It's fun
When you are floating around on the top it's a fookin unreal buzz
When you get dragged down and you run back around into the crowd, your heart racing, endorphins pumping!! what a rush!!! boom boom!!! :-D

However - 
While you are floating it's common practice for the crowd underneath to
smack you in the knackers, face or just generally all over
I got proper twatted at a Carter USM gig a few years back and ended up in hospital pissing blood with an enlarged kidney..a month off work followed.
People sweat in the mosh pit and take their tops off!! Stop now you sweaty fooks!!
It's one thing to sweat with a T-shirt on but don't touch flesh..wrong on every level!! 
It can hurt when you don't float and people drop you!! Mmmm

Here is some footage of me Crowd Surfing @ a Maccabees gig!!
Loved it!! :-D

Here is some footage of me Muff Diving!!
The Tongue Tornado!! Loved it!! :-D

 Both are pleasurable but both have their risks!!!
Thats the fun and thats why I love doing them both!!! :-D

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